Little Women:
A Collection
Callia Colson
Based on the Lousia May Alcott novel Little Women, these five poems recount the struggles of the titular characters Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy, and their neighbor Laurie. The poems begin with Meg, the oldest and most romantic sister who dreams of wealth in contrast with her family's humble way of life. Her poem focuses on her journey through "Vanity Fair" and what it would look like to spend one night in sin. The next sister is Jo, a writer who wants to make her own way in the world. Jo's only fear is that when all is said and done, she would not have done anything worth remembering with her life. Then we have Beth, the angel of the family. Beth's only aspiration in life is to keep it just as it is, because to her it is perfect. Amy is the youngest of the sisters. Being the youngest meant she was always the last pick and never good enough; even the man who would one day marry her fell in love with her sister first! Finally, we have Laurie, the appointed brother of the girls. His poem recounts his tragic heart break where he learned that the years he spent with his best friend were not enough to build a marriage on.
Fuss and Feathers
Just for once in my life,
Can I have all the nice things everyone else has?
Can they look at me like I belong,
Like I'm someone worth pursuing?
Can I fake it?
Cover my faults and blemishes in pink
And dance to the melody they sing to me,
The one that calls me Daisy.
Is it okay to bend morals,
If you never break them?
As long as you promise
To be dreadfully good for the rest of your life?

Fury of Words
Your legs shake as you force yourself to take
Step after step up the mountain.
You lose your footing and tumble down a few paces,
But crawl your way back up.
Your chest gasps for another breath that never comes.
Your arms burn with an agony worse than death.
And all you hear is your own voice,
telling you that you'll never make it.
You wipe away the blood that stings your eyes,
But in turn receive only a moment of clear vision.
The sun beats down where there is no shade,
But when there is shade, it clouds your view of the top
And the door where you hope your key will fit.
Your fear grows with every second,
For once you fight and work,
And climb and wait,
You may never get in after all.
The Way Things Are
Why would I want to change something
That's already perfect?
How could I turn to the sun and tell it to
glow warmer?
Or tell the sky to become more blue?
Why would I tell the breeze to whisper louder in the trees,
When it is their secret, not mine?
Second Best
The ring you wear,
Is your silent promise to another lover.
A reminder that though I chose you first,
I will never be anything more than your
Second Best.
​I can't live without hearing my name on your lips.
Without your hand in mine leading me on your adventures.
Did that journey you took my heart on mean nothing to you?
Or was it just another dance with a stranger,
A laugh on a sickbed,
Another walk by the shore in a broad-brim hat?
I've loved you ever since I've known you,
And I hoped you'd take a chance on me.
Please don't make me just another obstacle
Between you and the dragon you were born to slay.
I thought for certain my name meant something to you,
For you always said it with such a passion no one else had.
You're the only one who would ever call me Teddy,
A magic spell that even your silence cannot break.
Say it again, and say yes.
You can't ask me to love someone else,
When you're the only one for me.
Don't make me sit back and watch you
Live and die for someone else.