Iron Pen
Callia Colson

Do you have an amazing novel or movie idea but don’t feel you have the time to accomplish it? Or maybe you feel called to write but don’t know where to begin? Well, you’re in luck because there is a new STUCO organization that would be just right for you!
Iron Pen is a student-led writing group designed to create unity for creatives across the campus. At Iron Pen, we believe that “iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17). God created us for community and the best inspiration can come from the people around us.
I started Iron Pen with the hope of encouraging my members to use their God-given gifts to reach the world around them. Writing is a powerful form of ministry. Through story, you can reach people worldwide who you may never encounter face-to-face. Those people were also created in the image of God and deserve to know that they are not alone in their circumstance. The power of story is that it is something that lasts far beyond one person or a certain period of time: it can change lives if you surrender it to God.
But the first step in world-changing is getting out a pen and paper (or laptop) and actually writing. I know this can be difficult because I often struggle to find time to work on my book, and that’s what Iron Pen is around for. It is a weekly hour and a half where you can make time for your own personal project, be that a short story, poem, movie, play, song… the sky’s the limit! Every meeting begins with a quick inspirational message to get you going and a time of prayer. Afterwards, the rest of the meeting is an opportunity for you to work on whatever is on your heart!
We also have monthly workshops the last Friday of every month where you get to bring something you’ve been working on and find a buddy to give you feedback. I know this may seem terrifying at first, but I’ve found that I can benefit greatly from having some outside eyes giving me insight into what works or doesn’t work in my writing, things I can improve in and things that are already good.
A final note to writers is don’t be afraid of failing. Nothing you want to communicate will come out right the first time. I’ve had to go over this article multiple times alone (not to mention all the help I will need to receive from the Image editors). Anything you enjoy doing is worth messing up. It takes time to perfect any skill, but I can assure you the final product will be so worth it. Also, don’t just wait for the inspiration to come. Habit is a much stronger tool than inspiration. Inspiration will only begin to flow freely when you allow yourself a time and place to practice it.
On behalf of Iron Pen, I’d love to welcome you to our meetings on Fridays from 3:30 to 5 in the STUCO club room in the den. I’d absolutely love to see you all there!